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The A-Team Youth Club provides a safe and fun space for young people to make connections, build friendships, and the opportunity to explore new activities. We welcome any and all who wish to volunteer, support, and contribute in any way!


Parents are automatically enrolled as volunteers when their child's application is received. Parents are requested to stay and watch over their child or young person for the duration of the session and to support them if needed. We are committed to including all children and understand that some may need support while they get used to the Club environment. We also understand that some children and young people may try a session and not like it - we will always encourage them to come back again when they are ready.


Finally, we are here for the shutdowns and the meltdowns. We know that communication can be hard and that sometimes the environment gets the better of us. That's okay, maybe we can change things to make it work better, and maybe the next session will be more fun.


As we are all volunteers, to keep everyone safe and to best support our members, all parents are expected to complete training and vetting once their child has attended Club three times and intends to continue as a member.


Youth Work Ireland Tipperary supports us with this and details of training and vetting procedures are regularly posted in the main Club WhatsApp group. ​​

Children jumping and playing in puddles together
Non-parent volunteers of the A-Team Youth Club walking together through a forest


We also have roles for non-parents who would like to support our club in some way. That could be helping with fundraising, with specialist skills, with administration or to assist at sessions. Again, garda vetting and training is required.

The sign-up sheet for non-parent volunteers is here:










​​To all who have helped out already, our deepest gratitude. Every tiny contribution, every conversation and bucket-shake makes our club possible. It takes a village to run this club!

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