The Vision
The A-Team Youth Club was set up in late 2021 by parents and supporters to create a safe, fun space for our children to be supported and understood. Activities are based on our member's interests as much as possible. We aim to give them opportunities to try out new activities and develop friendships in a setting that understands how challenging that can be.

Our Mission
Our club is run by volunteers and relies entirely on our fund-raising efforts. We are affiliated with Youth Work Ireland Tipperary who provide us with tremendous guidance and support. We are also working to build an autism-positive peer support network for parents, supporters and volunteers. We try to keep the cost of the our activities as low as possible to ensure they are accessible to everyone.
Rehab Care Nenagh generously allows us to use their premises outside office hours.​ Our members are energetic and thrive on routine and permanence which is why we are committed to securing our own premises in Nenagh, held in trust by Youth Work Ireland Tipperary.​
Our club provides what support we can. In our first year we registered over 130 youth members and continue to grow week by week. Our members love the sessions we provide and parents often report feeling understood and less isolated.
Our Values
Our club is founded on three core pillars of Trust, Love and Team.​
We trust the vision of our club, the people involved, the environment we create, and the voice of our members.​
Love is central to everything in the club; love for our children and ourselves; love for our future.​
Team recognises our culture of contribution; our club cannot exist without our volunteers.​​